What is a Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)?

Conditions that can be seen under the service include:
● Red eye or eyelids
● Dry eye, or gritty and uncomfortable eyes
● Irritation and inflammation of the eye
● Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
● Recently occurring flashes or floaters
● Ingrowing eyelashes
● Recent and sudden loss of vision
● Foreign body in the eye

Specsavers Plymstock - 01752 402241
REI Urgent Care Triage Service – 01752 439330

If your condition is more serious, the optometrist will book you an urgent appointment at a hospital eye clinic. If you need a routine appointment with a hospital, the optometrist will organise this for you. You may also be advised to make an appointment with your GP if your eye condition is relation to your general health.

Published: Sep 8, 2023