Need to talk?

Whatever’s on your mind, we can help. Even if you just need someone who understands or want advice for a friend.
The teams we work with help lots of people like teenagers in schools, parents of young children and mums with new born babies.

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It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name.
Discreet and quick. It only takes one message to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area.


Advice for parents of 0 – 5’s in Plymouth

Organisation: Livewell Southwest
Service: Health Visiting Parents Service
For: Parents and carers of 0 - 5’s in Plymouth
Response Time: Within 24 hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
07480 635188

Advice for Parents of 5 – 19’s in Plymouth

Organisation: Livewell Southwest
Service: School Nursing Parents Service
For: Parents and carers of children and young people aged 5 – 19 in Plymouth
Response Time: Within 24 hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
07480 635189

Advice for Teens in Plymouth

Organisation: Livewell Southwest
Service: School Nursing Young Peoples Service
For: Children and Young People aged 11 - 19 in Plymouth
Response Time: Within 24 hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
07480 635198


Published: Jun 22, 2020